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How to Reduce your 'Digital Footprint' | 3 Tips to Reduce the Impact of Your Tech on the Planet

Have you ever wondered about the impact of your digital footprint? ⚡️

Whilst most of us are familiar with the term 'carbon footprint', many of us underestimate how big of an impact our 'digital' actions can also have on the planet. I know I'd be lost without my smartphone and laptop, but after doing some research I've come to learn that these handy gadgets don't come without a cost to the environment!

Living sustainably is about making environmentally conscious shopping decisions, and the world of tech is a big area of consumerism we could all do better in.

But how exactly does technology negatively impact the environment?

The Impact of Tech on Our Planet

1️) Mining

All of our tech - whether it be smartphones, computers, or tablets - are made up of minerals that need to be mined, impacting the natural environment but also affecting the people working in these mines. According to Trvst, mining is responsible for deforestation, landscape degradation, water pollution, and the release of vast quantities of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and other harmful gases and contaminants into the air.

2️) Energy Usage

Whether it's from repeatedly charging your phone or using iCloud to store your data and favourite photos, our tech uses a lot of carbon-intensive energy! Every time we plug an electronic device into a non-renewable source, our use of that device comes with a carbon cost - contributing to greenhouse gases and the climate crisis.

3️) Electronic Waste

Electronic waste (also known as 'E-Waste') is another big contributor to the general waste of our planet. Only 1/5 of e-waste globally is recycled, whilst the rest end up in landfills that leach harmful, toxic chemicals into the environment. Globally, 62.5 billion dollars worth of electronic waste is thrown away each year!

With tech playing such a big role in our lives, being more sustainable with our actions can have a HUGE impact - which is why we must all do what we can to reduce our digital footprint where possible.

How to Minimise the Impact of Tech on the Planet

1) Choose Second-Hand

iphone secondhand backmarket digital footprint
In love with my 'new', pre-loved iPhone from BackMarket!

Would you ever purchase a second-hand phone? 📱♻️

Although I’m quick these days to buy pre-loved clothing, I’d often avoided purchasing second-hand technology as I assumed that buying new was always the better option.

However, this time, I decided to bite the bullet and buy my new phone second-hand from BackMarket and had a great experience. The phone arrived within 48 hours and works perfectly - a huge relief!

So as well as saving money, you can also help reduce the number of natural resources that need to be mined by choosing second-hand tech instead of buying new.

2) Reduce Your Storage

I'm definitely guilty of hoarding way too many photos and videos on my phone, but after recently finding out that the servers storing our data are using vast quantities of energy each year to do this, I've decided to be more conscious about the photos, files, emails etc. I keep stored online.

Routinely go through your device storage and delete as much as you can. Don't forget to empty your mailbox too and declutter your photo album of anything you no longer need e.g. hundreds of screenshots!

3) Dispose Responsibly

One more way you can help to reduce your digital footprint on the planet is by disposing of your old bits of tech responsibly and correctly.

When upgrading your tech to newer modles (e.g. swapping out your old phone to one with longer-lasting battery life and a fancy camera), try to look for trade-in or recycling schemes like Music Magpie that will ensure your device gets recycled or sold onto another person who will make use of it. You can even make yourself some extra cash by re-selling your old tech directly using sites like eBay!

Have you ever purchased any second-hand tech? How are you reducing your digital footprint? I'd love to hear about your experience: feel free to connect with me on the @AllThingsGreeen Instagram to join the conversation and follow for more tips on living sustainably!


At All Things Green, we share simple, eco-friendly tips to help you lead an imperfect sustainable lifestyle. We believe that ‘small steps are still steps’, and that we can all have a positive impact on the planet - no matter how small. Join the ATG community today and take that first step towards an imperfect sustainable future by following us on Instagram!

Want to read more? Check out our previous blog posts, bag some fantastic discounts on eco-friendly products, and find out more about our story here on the All Things Green website. Thanks for reading, and happy second-hand shopping! Naomi 💚

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