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3 Tips for Starting a Plant Based Diet | How to become a vegan

We're now over half way through Veganuary, so I'm sure a lot of your feeds have been crowded with images of vegan foods and swaps. Of vegan influencers demonstrating just how easy and effortless it is to be vegan. But that's not the reality for many of us.

Maybe you can't go vegan for health reasons, or you don't have vegan alternatives avaialble in your local store, or you're simply just not ready - and that's okay!

Don't let the title of this blog post fool you. Yes, I'll be listing three tips for starting a plant based diet, but the key is STARTING. You don't have to have it all fully figured out, it doesn't have to be a full time thing. Just three simple, no-fuss ways you can reduce your meat and dairy intake today!

Tip Number One - Make a List of the Animal Products you Rarely Eat

This tip was super helpful for me when I first began trying to cut back on the amount of meat I was consuming whilst at University - a win win for the planet and my wallet! For me, I realised eggs was something I rarely ate at Uni, so I just cut them out. This didn't affect my life that much as it was something I hadn't been eating frequently - and it also helped that the bf doesn't like them :D Take a look at your fridge, or think back at what you ate last week, what meat and dairy products could you easily stop eating today? Make a list and start there!

Tip Number Two - Reduce How Much you Currently Eat

We've all heard of Meatless Monday's, and honestly, it's a great initiative! Reducing your meat intake one, two or three days a week you can have a huge impact. In fact, being vegan for just ONE day saves 5,000 litres of water! So whether you decide to only eat meat on the weekends, or to have a plant-based lunch every day, cutting down the amount of meat you eat on a weekly basis is a great first step to starting a plant based diet.

Tip Number Three - Try New Vegan Meals

One thing I've been trying over the last few months is to pick vegan and vegetarian options on the menu whenever I eat out. And although this is a great way to save money (🥳) it also helps me try new foods and dishes. Thinking about ditching meat and dairy is a scary thought - where do you even begin?! I find that taking inspiration from the vegan options on a menu makes planning my vegan meals at home easier. Through this process I've learnt that I hate Tofu, but really like asparagus! Two things I hadn't tried before but now will help me plan what recipes I try.

I hope this post has helped you feel a little less terrified about the idea of following a plant-based lifestyle. It doesn't have to be an all or nothing approach, you can ease yourself into the change. As we always say - "small steps are still steps."


If you found this post useful, head over to our Instagram page for more advice and tips about living a vegan lifestyle this Veganuary. We'll be sharing recipes, lifestyle swaps, food waste hacks and more! Head to our Instagram page, here.

Note: Post inspired by Phoebe Ellen


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- Naomi x

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